Monday, March 18, 2013

Warm up Column Z

I would use it to play out scenarios until I got what I wanted. Like if I fail a test I could memorize the answers and go back and redo it for 100% or if I was talking to someone and I say something and they take offense to it, redo! Say something else. Or if I was mad I could go bat-S**t crazy in any situation and just redo. I could beat up someone and just redo like nothing happened. Spend all night playing video games and then redo it so I can still have time to do homework. That would be so fun.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Warm up W

Yesterday I met this person. 
I am in NJROTC and I am commander of the color guard, thats a big role, im in charge of all the ceremonies that happen. 
Yesterday I was at the Board of Education doing the colors so they can say the pledge of allegiance for the american flag. 
I was standing there waiting for them to call on the colors, a retired Marine was sitting right next to the aisle where I was posted. He started talking to me and told me about the adventures he had in the Corps. He eventually asked me if I was ever planning on joining the military, his face lit up when I said I wanted to soon join him as a Marine, he isn't an Ex-Marine he said, once a Marine always a Marine. He then fist-bumped me and I then conducted the ceremony and as the color guard left, he was the only one to stand up and start clapping, he was later joined by other retired Marines sitting next to him, which influenced the rest of the crowd to join in, it was very powerful and moving. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Warm Up R

Recall something you thrown away that you wish you hadn't.

I once threw away my swag, I wish I still had that. Kidding.
But in all seriousness I threw away my PSP because it "broke".... The sound was broken, that was a stupid mistake. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Warm Up Column M

A machine that closes my door remotely. I hate it when im sleeping and my dog opens my door and I have to get up and close it, and there should be a remote light too. And I want cup holders on my bed heck yes that is a great idea and you load it up and it senses when you have finished your water and it will trash the empty one and replace it with a full bottle, and the holder is always cooled so you always have cold water. and it is illuminated different colors. and it plays music when you drink. and cleans up your spilled water when you fail when you are half asleep and spill on your shirt. and if the music is dubstep then it has bass that shakes the water when its being held. I would buy that.

Monday, March 4, 2013

L Warm up

Let it go
stop complaining about relationships, its ridiculous and nobody cares.
Your significant other left you? Go eat ice cream and get over it, and dont bring your feelings to school because I for one dont care, its high school... We are only freshman so it is just embarrassing when you cry over a person that left.... Just shrug it off and let it go. Sometimes it is so ridiculous that I find humor in it. I dont know if that's just me but I think its pretty funny.